Learn, play & grow!
Looking for a playgroup? Want to learn something new? Refer to our calendar on Familyinfo.ca to see what’s happening this month and how to join us!

Parent your way to happier children.
It’s true that every child is different. What works for one child may not work for another, and parenting classes can’t solve everything. They can, however, give you strategies that you can apply in your everyday life, help you meet other parents in the same boat and increase your confidence in your own parenting ability.

For Parents
Build on your strengths.
Discover ways to cope with the stresses and challenges of parenting and life in general.
For Parents & Children
Visit a playgroup, borrow toys and meet new friends! Drop in to fun and safe places for you and your children to learn, play and grow together.
For Professionals
We are your one-stop destination for books, early years learning activities and program materials.

Give the gift of learning and playing.
For only $35 a year, you and your children can choose from over 2,400 quality toys, games, kits, puzzles, and play equipment to borrow just as you would borrow books from a library!

The BEST way to get kids outside is to go with them.
Carve out regular time to engage in unstructured outdoor play. A rapidly growing mountain of evidence indicates that this kind of nature play is critical for children’s physical, mental, emotional, and social development, as well as their everyday health. Besides, they’ll love you for it!

Help us help parents be the best they can be. Your donation will create long-term positive changes for families in our community.