WILD CHILD is a FREE outdoor playgroup for families. We offer our WILD CHILD Outdoor Playgroup three times a week all year round.
WILD CHILD Outdoor Playgroup Schedule
Drop-in to one of our FREE weekly playgroups:
Wednesdays at 10am at Westminster Ponds (930 Western Counties Rd)
Thursdays at 10am at Euston Park (Phyllis St. entrance)
Saturdays at 10am at the Medway Forest (1600 Attawandaron Rd)
Join us with your little ones as we head into the woods to enjoy free play in a natural setting. Let us demystify the risks of outdoor free play and increase your confidence and competence in providing child-led, inquiry-based opportunities for your children. We will meet no matter what the weather! Dress accordingly, and bring a snack - all of this physical activity and fresh air works up an appetite.
NOTE: There will be no playgroup on statutory holidays or the Saturdays of holiday weekends.
HEAL Report on WILD CHILD Outdoor Playgroup
More Outdoor Play Resources
What’s that bird? Some tips for identifying birds we see regularly.
I found a rock! Learn more about these hidden painted rocks.
FREE Outdoor Play Resources to Download at Home
Got a question not covered here? Email info@childreach.on.ca or call us at 519-434-3644.
Be a part of our WILD CHILD community - join our active WILD CHILD Facebook page! “Like and follow” to connect with other WILD CHILD families, and get the latest Wild Child news!
“I have fond memories of playing in the woods as a child and wanted to pass those on to my kids.”
“I have enjoyed meeting other families who value spending time outdoors. I also love the emphasis on risky play and child-led play too!”
Additional supports
are available to enhance the outdoor play experience for all families. Please contact info@childreach.on.ca for more information.
Partners & Supporters
Partnerships are at the heart of our WILD CHILD Outdoor Playgroup. Some of our partnerships involve collaboration with governments, universities and research institutions and other community groups. Others bring us together with corporate partners who are committed to building our success through fundraising and awareness. We also value the important contributions of philanthropic organizations that support our work through their granting.