8 Ways to Simplify the Holidays

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  1. Keep decorating to a reasonable amount. When your children are young, you do not need to put all your ornaments on the tree. When you have a toddler, think about decorating only the top half. This also makes putting things away less onerous. Make decorating a family event.

  2. Downsize holiday baking. Pick a few favourites, and choose recipes that children can help with such as cookies and gingerbread people. You can make it part of a holiday tradition, and your waistline will also thank you.

  3. Use reusable gift bags. Fabric gift bags can be used for years and be customized for each child.

  4. Decide how many gifts you will buy, and make a budget. When you have children it may be time to think about paring down your gift list. Think about who you want to focus on and how much you can afford to spend.

  5. Think about traditions you may want to start with your family. Don’t feel compelled to hang on to something that no longer works for you and is a source of stress.

  6. Minimize travel if you can. Staying home with your very young children simplifies many things. The holidays can be more relaxed and enjoyable when children’s routines are uninterrupted. Have family come to you if it is not going to be stressful or skip travel until your children are older. The priority is the well being of your family.

  7. Simplify your holiday meal. Try making some things ahead of time, and recruit help with planning, shopping and preparing.

  8. Enjoy time with your family. Spend time outdoors. The fresh air does everybody good. Play board games, watch a movie together, or make cocoa and have a chat around the kitchen table.

Remember that the holidays are about experiences and not things. A wise mother of six once told me that the best gift you can give your children during the holidays are parents at peace.

Written by Joyce Williams RECE, Parent Support Coach
