Childreach Closed Until Further Notice

After careful consideration, and with the health and safety of the children, families and staff in mind, we have made the decision to close our centre until it is safe to reopen again

We understand this will have a significant impact on families. It is our intent to find ways to support families during this time of social distancing. If you require parent support, please email us. If you miss our story and song times, please visit our FB page for live and recorded videos from all of our favourite playgroup facilitators. If you are looking for postpartum support, please email Charity for the link to join our Mother Reach PMAD Support Group online.

Accurate and current information on COVID-19 (coronavirus) can be found on the Middlesex London Health Unit website.

Thank you all for your commitment in keeping our communities healthy and safe!

Yvette Scrivener
Executive Director

Yvette Scrivener