Dramatic Play at Home - Build a House for your Stuffie

Dramatic play is a great way to spark your child’s imagination. Role play promotes oral language as well as helping children to work through social and emotional situations. This activity is the first of a summertime series featuring simple dramatic play ideas that mostly involve using items you already have at home.

Build a House for Your Stuffie


  • small recyclable food and household item boxes and tubes of different shapes and sizes (i.e. tissue and cereal boxes)

  • tape

  • small stuffed animal



Help your child to design and build a house for their stuffie to live in. Use the tape to hold the items together. Remember to let them be the architect, and you are the assistant.

Extending the Play

If after a while their interest in playing with their house fades, you can extend the play by adding a few new materials.

A cake pan lined with blue tissue paper becomes a swimming pool for visiting stuffies, and a few blocks can create a walkway. Encourage your child’s creativity and have fun!

Written by Debra Howard, Parent Support Coach & Community Connector

Related book: A House is a House for Me by Mary Ann Hoberman
