The Great Backyard Bird Count 2022
Chickadee sitting on a frozen branch.
Every year Birds Canada joins The Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Audubon Society to host the Great Backyard Bird Count.
This annual event encourages people of all ages to join scientist and count birds in their backyards (or somewhere else they frequent) for as little as 15 minutes February 18-21, 2022.
This is a fantastic way to start noticing the birds the have started to sing more each day, have fun outside, and contribute to the protection and care of these beautiful creatures who share our space.
To learn more simply head to The Great Backyard Bird Count website.
For the great printable sheet of birds seen above, or to print a sheet for another area or time of year check out this resource from Birds Canada.
Written by Tandy Morton, Wild Child Outdoor Playgroup Facilitator