Wild Child: A Lesson in Accepting Challenges


Every day our Wild Child campers were interested in challenging themselves in unique and different ways. Despite their varying ages, all of them wanted to climb and get onto this one tree that branched off in the middle. Some campers tried doing it solo, while others worked together to help each other climb up. It took many attempts in some cases, but the campers did manage to climb up.

I think the thing that was most surprising was how resilient the kids were. It was evidently not an easy task, but the campers who wanted to get up there kept going. They did not give up. It became apparent that the campers understood their own capabilities and their limitations. They knew what they could not do or what they felt uncomfortable doing, and the kids knew that climbing up that tree was a challenge they could accomplish. Children are competent and able if they are given the chance to prove themselves. In the long run, it builds their confidence in their abilities.

Written by Aaisham, Wild Child Camp Counsellor