Wild Wednesday: Look for signs of the seasons


It’s that magical time of year where all the seasons seem to be mixed into one. This week we headed to explore Komoka Provincial Park. India was asking a lot of questions about the change of seasons so we decided to try spotting different elements from each season. Wells declared that the snow was from winter. India decided the fallen leaves were from autumn, the sunshine felt like summer and all this glorious mud was definitely spring! That mud was unquestionably the main attraction for these two, we spent most of our time jumping, digging and sliding through this mud puddle. We didn’t get too far on the trail but we all had a blast!

As the kids were sliding, jumping and balancing in the mud they were developing their gross motor skills. There was also so much cognitive learning happening here as they searched for signs of each season all around them. They were observing, classifying, reflecting and reaching conclusions. This was a new and wonderful learning opportunity for us all, each time we enter the woods a new adventure awaits!

Written by Abby Dique, Fanshawe College ECE Student