Finger Gym Activities - Part 1

This begins a 4-part series of simple finger gym activities. Finger gym activities promote your child’s fine motor skills and eye hand co-ordination.

Finger gyms also help children to become more independent. For example, children can use these skills to help them put on their coat and shoes or open a box of cereal and pour their milk. Ultimately these accomplishments also help build their self esteem. 

Threading Activity #1

Materials needed:

  • Small square (approx. 2”x2”) pieces of felt/fabric or cardstock

  • Ribbon cut into 12” lengths

  • Buttons with large holes or small beads


  1. Cut approximately 10 squares per ribbon then cut a slit in the middle of each square big enough to push the button or bead through.

  2. Tie a knot on the end of the ribbon.

  3. Let you child try to ‘thread ‘ the button through the square.


Threading Activity #2

Materials needed:

  • A block of styrofoam or a handful of playdough

  • Pipe cleaners (cut into thirds) or toothpicks

  • Cheerios or fruit loops or small beads



  1. Use the playdough or styrofoam as a base, and push the toothpicks or pipe cleaners 1/3 of the way down.

  2. Put cereal or beads into a bowl or dish. **( always supervise young children using small materials)

  3. Encourage your child to explore the materials, and see if they begin to ‘thread ‘ the items onto the sticks.


 NOTE: Your child may not use this activity the way you imagined it, and that is okay. They may not be developmentally ready.  Let them explore the materials, and use them in any way they like.  There is valuable learning in all investigations.

Written by Debra Howard, Parent Support Educator & Community Connector
