Dramatic Play at Home - Indoor Camping

Summer doesn’t have to end if you use your imagination! Help your child develop their collaborative and investigative skills as they design their own campsite.


Material suggestions:

  • 2 kitchen chairs

  • 2 large blankets (one for tent /one for ground)

  • 1 towel and 1 pillow for “sleeping bag”

  • Stuffed animals

  • Handmade sign (let your child think of campsite name)

  • Favourite story books

  • Bright tissue paper (for pretend fire)

  • Rocks and sticks (or wooden blocks) for fire pit

  • Thermos and frying pan (children love to use the real thing)

  • Cut out of fish and string or twine


Implementation ideas:

  • Present your child with the gathered materials and see where their imagination takes them.

  • Maybe recall a camping trip or look up “camping” online.

  • Do some investigations together, get a book on camping at the library. The possibilities are endless as to what your “campsite” will look like!

* SAFETY TIP: Always monitor young children when using sticks.


Extended Activity: Watch How to Make S’mores Indoors.

Written by Debra Howard, Parent Support Coach & Community Connector
