Dramatic Play at Home - Bakery Shop


Stir up a good time by creating a pretend bakery shop at home! Dramatic play is a great way to develop oral language skills, cooperation, content vocabulary and social skills. What will you serve in your bakery shop?

Material suggestions:

  • Medium sized box for the oven

  • Various baking pans

  • Playdough and/or pom poms

  • Spoon and mixing bowl

  • Empty ingredient containers, eg. baking powder, vanilla, cinnamon

  • Muffins liners

  • Small apron/oven mitts

  • Rolling pin/cookie cutters

  • Measuring cups and spoons

  • Plastic serving plates


  • Put the box on its side with a smaller box inside of it to hold up the baking sheets.

  • Paint or colour the box, or leave it natural.

  • Pose thought-provoking questions, eg “What will you bake today?” or “Where should we put it to cool?”

  • Encourage your child to use the playdough or pom poms to create whatever they want to bake.

  • As always, let your child take the lead and create their own rules.

  • Have fun!


To extend this play, you can read If You Give a Moose a Muffin by Laura Joffe Numeroff

 Written by Debra Howard, Parent Support Coach & Community Connector
