September Program Update

We’ve missed you! Childreach hasn’t been the same without families playing in it.

We are excited to be gradually restoring our programs for families beginning Friday, September 4. To ensure a safe and comfortable experience for visitors and staff, we have implemented enhanced safety protocols in line with COVID-19 public health guidelines. This includes a significantly reduced visitor capacity and registration requirements. Please use the following information to familiarize your family with additional changes you may notice during your next visit.

Plan Your Visit to our Programs

The playroom will be open with registration required:

    • Mondays 10-11:30 am

    • Tuesdays 10-11:30- am

    • Fridays 9:30-10:15 am

Outdoor programs for September with registration required:

o   WILD BABIES – Mondays at 10:30am

o   Songs & Stories in the Park – Tuesdays & Wednesdays at 10am & 10:45am

o   WILD CHILD – Wednesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays at 10am

o   Songs & Stories for Infants in the Park – Fridays at 10:30am

Virtual Programs are ongoing.  Please refer to our calendar for more information.

Resource Centre & Toy Library Lending via curbside pick-up available Monday – Friday from 9 am to 12 pm. Place up to 4 items on hold at or call Patti at 519-434-3644 x602, and then ring the doorbell when you arrive. The Maker Space is available by appointment by calling 519-434-3644 x602.


  • Our programs are open for parents & their children 0-6 years old.  Children older than 6 cannot attend.  Home childcare providers- licensed or unlicensed - cannot attend at this time as advised by the MLHU as related to the Ministry of Education’s Operating Guidelines for Child Care (See page 7 RE: not mixing cohorts/groups).

  • Registration is required for all programs unless noted.  Online registration opens up at 8 am on the day of for in-person parent and child programs. For virtual programming, registration opens up at least a week in advance.  To register for ALL programs, visit  We cannot accommodate drop-in visits at this time even when physical distancing is possible.  We kindly ask that you do not drop into outdoor programs and participate from afar.  This increases the overall gathering size beyond the approved capacity. If for any reason you cannot attend, please let us know as soon as possible.

  • During our reopening of in-person programming, we encourage families to limit their visits to 1 or 2 per week.

  • Program availability may change at any time.

What to Expect

To ensure a fun and safe experience for everyone, we have implemented the following:

  • Significantly reduced visitor capacity.

  • Enhanced cleaning protocols We will be removing, sanitizing, and restocking materials during programs as well as frequently sanitizing all high-touch spaces.

  • Hand sanitizer stations are available throughout the building.

  • Costumes, puppets, and hard-to-clean objects are unavailable for the time being.

We kindly ask all visitors to:

1. Maintain a physical distance of 2 meters (6 ft) between social circles.

2. Wear a mask or face covering while inside the building. The City of London’s Mandatory Face Coverings By-Law exempts: 

  • Persons under 12 years of age

  • Persons with an underlying medical condition or disability which inhibits their ability to wear a face covering

  • Persons who are unable to place or remove a face covering without assistance

3. Wash and sanitize hands often.

4. Food and beverage consumption will not be allowed inside the playroom.

5. Stay curious, learn something new, and of course, PLAY!

6. Lastly, please be generous and kind with each other as families learn to physical distance in our play spaces.

Please postpone your visit if you or a member of your family members is unwell. If you or your child have any questions about your next visit, contact us at 519-434-3644 or

We look forward to welcoming you back at a time that’s right for your family.
