Finger Gym Activities - Part 2

Toddlers pour and dump toys( or cereal, a cup of water, a bin of diapers) as soon as they discover they can.  It’s a developmentally appropriate skill that happens as mobility develops.

Pouring and transferring is discovery and exploration of gravity, weight , muscle control, cause and effect and self awareness. 

Some suggested materials:

  • Bowls, small pitcher, spoons, scoops, tongs, plastic tweezers, chopsticks, muffin pans, trays or a bin ( to catch what might fall out)

  • Give younger children larger scoops and bowls (for easier manipulation), and give older children smaller scoops and containers for more of a challenge.

  • Unpopped kernels of corn , dry beans, water, pom poms, dry cereal

Suggested Activities:

  • Present your child with one activity at a time .  Give them time to explore and manipulate.  You don’t need to model as they will come to their own conclusions. 

  • Remember , there is no right or wrong way to use the materials

Safety Tip:

Always monitor your child when using small items for play. Use your best judgement as you know your child best.  If they are young and tend to put things in their mouth , only offer edible materials such as dry cereal.

Written by Debra Howard, Parent Support Coach & Community Connector
