WILD CHILD: A Day in the Life

Ever wanted to know what all happens at our WILD CHILD outdoor child-led playgroup?   Well, every day is different, but here is a little glimpse of how play and learning happened today.

We slid and stomped down the icy hill.

We tasted broken pieces of ice and discovered we could shape them into “fish” by licking them.


When there were too many fish left to hold, we balanced them in a tree which became a decorated Christmas tree.


We tested last week’s snowballs, and found the best ones to slide down. Then we worked on standing up again and discussed whether getting up was easier with or without mitts.


We honed our kicking skills by breaking sheets of ice that we carefully loosened from the ground.


We played ‘spin me upside down’ with the parents.


We enjoyed a snack and a story in the snow.


We made ice cameras by melting holes with our ‘dragon’ breath.


Then we ended our adventure with “piggie backs” up the hill.

Sometimes a child-led program seems slower-paced, but when you look back, it’s amazing just how much happens during our weekly adventures in the forest.

Written by Tandy Morton, WILD CHILD Outdoor Playgroup Facilitator