Checking In with Ourselves and Each Other

To our families,

We wanted to take a moment and check-in with you. If you follow us on Instagram or our Facebook pages, you will see a lot of content rolling through about things you can do at home. From online museum tours to fort building, we’re putting out new ideas daily.

You’re probably seeing a lot of other people posting about things you can do while at home, too. They might be talking about work productivity, crisis schooling at home, or cleaning your closets. Maybe they’re talking about how this is an opportunity to think about changing the world or to reconnect with yourself. For some people, it will be. For all of us, some days will be better and brighter than others.

Hopefully, though, you’re also seeing messages that this is a time to be kind to yourself and your family. To be gentle. These days are confusing, and you might be feeling like you’re on edge waiting to see what’s going to happen next. Your children might be feeling some of that strangeness, too. Some of us might be struggling mentally, physically, or financially during this time.

When you see all these messages about productivity — the things you can do at home, either for yourself or with your children, remember that they are suggestions, ideas that you may or may not be looking for. Just because you have more time at home, doesn’t mean you have more capacity or energy at the moment.

Enjoy what you can of these days, these moments, for yourself and your family. Remember that however you’re feeling is okay, and that if you are struggling, it is understandable, and you are not alone. If you can, reach out - to us, to other services, to a friend, or a family member. And let’s all keep connecting and checking in with each other during this time.

Written by Lara Vlach, RECE, Parent Support Coach
