Family Well-Being in Challenging Times

Families are living under uncertainty because of the COVID-19 pandemic. There has been a loss of normalcy in our lives which leads to anxiety and deals a blow to our well-being. There are some steps you can take to support well-being in these challenging times.

Establish a routine. We say this for almost everything, and it still applies. Children feel less anxious and respond well to consistency. It is also important for adults to schedule time for self-care.

Maintain social connections. If possible, try playdates using Zoom - it’s free to sign up and hold meetings up to 40 minutes. Talk on the phone to friends and family members, or write letters.

Remind children that good things are happening in the world. We have heroes who are helping people every day.

Remember that parents have a big impact on children. Be the calm in the storm, and be a body of positive emotions. Emotions are contagious. Convey that this is a challenging time; not a crisis.

We are all in a new situation and this gives us the chance to form new and different habits and create new experiences within families. One suggestion is to start a gratitude journal or list.

Be careful how much news media is being consumed and when. Children are sensitive to content. Protect sleep by watching early evening news or record it to watch when children are in bed. Here is a good resource for talking to your children about COVID-19.

What we are learning through these times is that experiences make us happy and not things. What do we want our children to remember about this time?

Written by Joyce Williams, RECE, Parent Support Coach

NOTE: Information from Laurie Santos , Professor of Pyschology, The Science of Well-Being, Coursera at Yale
