Infant Sleep
When it comes to infant sleep, there are so many factors that cause an infant to wake often, have their needs met in the middle of the night. This topic certainly does not have a black and white answer.
An infant is designed to be close to sources of warmth, comfort, and food, and so they stay in light sleep more often during their sleep cycle. Their deep sleep is quite short, and their chances of waking are very frequent
A baby's sleep cycle and an adult's sleep cycle go together like oil and water; meaning they are completely opposite! We wake up exhausted and frustrated because our deep sleep has been disrupted because of our baby's cries, but a baby doesn't do this on purpose. A baby's needs don't stop just because it's bedtime, unfortunately. Their needs continue throughout the night.
These needs increase with growth spurts, which increase hunger, learning new skills, teething, illness, etc.
Around six months, their circadian rhythm inside their brain has developed and they have a more predictable sleep/wake cycle. So if you are hearing advice telling you that your baby "needs to learn to self sooth" or "they don't need anything" or "crying is good for their lungs" etc, remember, your baby spent nine months in the womb having 100% of their needs met. Now they are learning about their world and are 100% dependant on us to meet those needs. You are not spoiling your baby by rocking, by feeding, by cuddling them to sleep. I promise. Decades of research have proved this.
A baby's first language is crying. This is how they communicate. When you respond to those cries, you are teaching them that their world is safe, and their needs will be met. This is so important for healthy brain development.
Trust your instincts. You cannot, I repeat, CANNOT spoil a baby by meeting their needs. You know your baby. You know what works.
Eventually, sleep will become more predictable. And everyone will sleep again.
Written by Paula Dibbits, RECE, Parent Support Educator