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Did you know that a stick was inducted into the Toy Hall of Fame in 2008?!  Whether it’s part of an imaginative game, building materials for a fort, or simply tossed into a creek, sticks provide unlimited opportunities for play.  Why not go looking for the perfect stick on your next walk and see where your imagination leads?

Need some inspiration? Visit https://childhood101.com/outdoor-activities-20-ways-to-play-with-sticks/

Here’s a  stick bucket list – https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/naturedetectives/activities/2015/11/20-things-to-do-with-sticks/

Read “Not a Stick” by Antoinette Portis, and find out why it’s one of our favourite books we take to the forest.

Written by Tandy Morton, WILD CHILD Playgroup Facilitator